
On July 14, in the pages of the history of international diplomacy it has been registered as the day of a too important achievement: Iran and six superpowers reached an agreement on the controversial Iranian nuclear program.
“The agreement on the Iranian nuclear program is a world-class event. This confirms the status of Iran as a regional power, it holds great promise for both Iran and the countries of the South Caucasus. In geopolitical terms, it will lead to new developments, however, this agreement with Iran at the same time can have a number of unintended consequences, especially in the domestic political field.”

In the foreign policy of Georgia relationship between Tbilisi and Moscow remain crucial. This is due to the fact, in which military-political bloc will be Georgia, or how Tbilisi will build its future relations with its neighbors in the region.
In the West, for Georgia they see three status. In the United States and the European Union they do not rule out that Georgia may be in the Russian sphere of influence, the more that now Tbilisi is in a favorable situation because of its position, the corridor between the EAEU members – Armenia and Russia.

On the 25th selection of the National Assembly of Turkey the ruling party “Justice and Development” received 40.8% of votes. It’s not so much the defeat of the Islamists, as the president Erdogan’s, as he is trying to make the transition from a presidential to a parliamentary system. This is also the defeat of the party, the first time they have been unable to form a sole government. The reasons are many. Firstly, the fact that they support the jihadist terrorists in Iraq and Syria, when the NATO allies, including the US fight against the jihadists. The issue of membership of the European Union is suspended. Erdogan brought to zero relations with all neighboring countries, but when he came to power, he put forward the program of “Zero problems with neighbors”. Today, Turkey is in isolation: no embassies in Syria, Israel, Egypt, and with Iraq and Iran there are rather strained relations. Border regions were trading with these countries, and now they have lost it, and the number of unemployed reached 6 million 200 thousand, 17 million people are on the brink of poverty.

Respected Mr.President!
I decided to write you, to a politician who has breathed new life to the principle of self-determination of peoples. Your word – “The peoples themselves have to decide the fate of their territories” – gave me (a survivor of 10 years in prison on death row, sentenced by Aliyev’s regime) and all Talysh people hope for the final victory of justice.

My dear people!
I congratulate you on the anniversary of the Great Victory!
On May 9, 1945 the Soviet people hoisted the flag of victory in the heart of Germany – Berlin. At that time the Soviet Union was a great power. All peoples had equal rights and their role in achieving victory was evaluated. That time people were not valued on a national basis but on their merits.

Emerged a month ago and aggravated the Yemeni crisis could become a worldwide problem, because it is increasing its impact on the major geopolitical processes and changing the format of involvement of the superpowers. It is directly linked to the new processes of redistribution of the international oil market and, in this context, the old allies gradually find themselves on opposite sides of dividing lines.