#50 (1119) 24.12.2015 – 30.12.2015

In 2016 we will build a new service apartments in Yerevan, Gyumri, Vayk, Sisian, Goris, Agarak, Ijevan, Meghrab and Shahumyan region and, in 2017 393 servicemen will be provided with fully-furnished service apartments. In 2016 we outlined also the repair work carried out in the military enlistment offices, as right here is the representation of the army for a conscript. Our efforts must be aimed at creating comfort in the army.

Final exams proceed in the military unit.
Deputy commander on work with the personnel Hakob Gevorgyan said that they constantly organize interesting events, quizzes, literary evenings, exhibitions of the soldiers, performances of a group of amateurs, every month the contest of wall newspapers is announced.

Samvel Beglaryan is a member of the Unions of Writers, Journalists and Actors, chairman of Tavush branch of the Union of Writers of Armenia. He was the founder of the first group of self-defense of Noyemberian, participated in the actions of self-defense of Barekamavan, Kochi, Voskevan, Voskepar, Kirants, native village Baghanis. He was awarded a number of departmental medals and diplomas. Many of his works were written during the war years. Collection of poems dedicated to the army, the soldiers and the homeland in 2015 has been awarded a joint prize of the Union of Writers and the Ministry of Defense.

It is impossible to determine the place of memory: it lives as an infinitely developing phenomenon, which is as important as the story. – Pierre Nora
In September and October 2015 in Beijing, on the 6th International Art Biennale the Armenian modern art and history was presented, where the rod was the Armenian Genocide. The exhibition presents unique works of Armenian artists from Armenia, Artsakh and the Diaspora, among them: Hrair Sarkissian (London), Alain Sayeh (Cambridge), Mikael Ohanjanian (Florence), Karen Mirzoyan (Yerevan), etc.
The most fanatical Islamic country in the world, the absolute monarchy of Saudi Arabia, where state-official religion is Wahhabism – a radical branch of Sunni Islam, as of 15 December, 2015 created an Islamic political and military coalition. The aim proclaimed is the joint fight against DAISH or ISIL or “Islamic state”. The new coalition includes 34 Islamic states. The operational headquarters will be located in the capital, Riyadh, which in addition to anti-terrorism activities will also be engaged in coordination with international agencies and other countries.

(Հայերեն) …Աշխատասենյակիս դուռը բացում է սևազգեստ մի կին: Գոռ Օհանյանի բարեկամուհին է՝ տիկին Նազիկը: Բոլորովին վերջերս՝ դեկտեմբերի 17-ին, երբ հակառակորդը երեք կողմից հարձակվել էր առաջնագծի դիրքերից մեկի ուղղությամբ, ավագ լեյտենանտ Գոռ Օհանյանի գլխավորությամբ զինվորները մարտի են բռնվել: Հրամանատարը մահացու վիրավորում է ստացել, բայց նրանց հաջողվել է հետ շպրտել զինված հակառակորդին: