National army

On October 3-7 in the framework of the NATO program “Partnership for Peace” in the Swiss city of Tun a Conference on Cartography, Measurement and Geodesy was organized. 16 countries took part in the Conference, among the CIS countries – only Armenia and Moldova. The aim of the Conference was the profound cooperation of civil and military institutions of this sphere.

On October 3-8 a Conference was organized by the USA State Secretariat in Washington dedicated to the problems of medical protection during NATO operations. All the NATO member-countries, as well as Macedonia, Serbia, Austria, Switzerland and Armenia took part in the Conference. Armenia was presented by Colonel A.Parsadanyan, head of Military-Medical Department of RA MOD and Lieutenant Colonel M.Vardanyan, head of Division.

On October 4, 2011 in Echmiadzin (Armavir Dustrict, Republic of Armenia) one more residential building for the Military Personnel was put in commission. 16 families got apartments. Defense Minister Seyran Ohanyan himself handed over the apartment-keys to the owners. He mentioned that the social and living problems of the personnel, especially the housing issue are always in the centre of attention of RA President Serge Sargsyan and are priority in the Government’s activities.

On September 4-24, 15 signalers from RA Armed Forces took part in annual Games of Communication and Information Technologies “Cooperative Effort-2011”, organized by the USA European command in American military base Gravenver in South-East Germany.
In 2002-2003 Armenia participated in these games as an observer, and from 2004 – as a full participant. “Participated 1500 militarymen from 40 countries of the world.

On September 24, issues related to the educational process at Military-Educational Institutes of the Ministry of Defense of Armenia and foreign countries were discussed at the meeting of the Ministry Board. 1st Deputy Minister David Tonoyan, 1st Deputy Head of Staff of AF RA general-lieutenant Enrico Apriamov, Head of Human resources and Military Education Department of MOD RA Meher Shirinyan, heads of military institutes, high-ranking militarymen gave speeches.

In connection with the 20th anniversary of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, the NKR Ministry of Culture and Youth Affairs organized a 2-day pilgrimage to the top of Big Kirse Mountain (2742m). The representatives of NGOs from NKR, Armenia, Georgia, as well as women-veterans of the Artsakh liberation war and soldiers of NKR Army of Defense who were acknowledged the best in service took part in the pilgrimage.

(Հայերեն) 2010 թվականը անվերապահորեն կարելի է համարել խաղաղության ու պաշտպանունակության ամրապնդման տարի: Անցնող տարում առաջնորդվելով «ՀՀ ԶՈՒ պատրաստությանը` նոր որակ, պաշտպանական բարեփոխումներին` հաստատուն ընթացք» կարգախոսով` ՀՀ զինված ուժերը անշեղորեն բարձրացրեց իր մարտունակության մակարդակը: Բարձրացվեց ՀՀ ՊՆ եւ ԶՈՒ ԳՇ նոր կառուցվածքի շրջանակներում պաշտպանության նախարարության եւ ԶՈՒ գլխավոր շտաբի միջեւ գործառույթների բաշխման եւ գործունեության համակարգման արդյունավետությունը, շարունակվեցին ՀՀ պաշտպանության նախարարության քաղաքացիական հատուկ ծառայության ինստիտուտի զարգացման աշխատանքները, զգալի առաջընթաց գրանցվեց ռազմակրթական բարեփոխումների գործընթացում, մշակվեց ՀՀ ռազմակրթական հայեցակարգի նախագիծը: