
Interview with Head of the Department of Armenian-Ottoman relations, YSU Institute of Armenian studies Research, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Turkologist Lusineh Sahakyan.

He is well-known writer and philosopher, historian and translator, and filmmaker. He was born in 1947 in Akhaltsikh. He studied at the Leningrad Polytechnic University. In Russian came out collections of his poems and stories, which have been translated into different languages. There are collections also in Armenian.

I’ll talk about friendship, about the centuries-long friendship of the Armenian and Russian peoples. This I heard in 1960 from my compatriot, Harutyun Glandyan from New Jugha (Julfa). I think for so long this history was forgotten, and few people remember it…

Recently, Sergey Karapetyan, the grandson of Major General Sergey Karapetyan, commander of the 46th division of the Soviet Union, visited the newspaper “Armenian soldiers”.

After 2015 a new era begins – we need to move the issue of the Armenian Genocide from international recognition to the political and legal plane. We must achieve the adoption of the UN resolution on depriving of the motherland, and having the relevant article we can enter the International Court of Justice. And then the next century will be 100 years of retribution and victory, unlike the previous one, which was 100 years of recognition and struggle.
Genocide recognition process is completed, the era of retribution begins, to which we must prepare the entire nation…

It is impossible to determine the place of memory: it lives as an infinitely developing phenomenon, which is as important as the story. – Pierre Nora
In September and October 2015 in Beijing, on the 6th International Art Biennale the Armenian modern art and history was presented, where the rod was the Armenian Genocide. The exhibition presents unique works of Armenian artists from Armenia, Artsakh and the Diaspora, among them: Hrair Sarkissian (London), Alain Sayeh (Cambridge), Mikael Ohanjanian (Florence), Karen Mirzoyan (Yerevan), etc.