
He spent Sunday in Arteni, in A large community of Aragatsotn, which is not a village, it is not a city, it is a town. It is inhabited by the people of Mush, rich in fighters, who have reserved Ergir in mind.

On this section of the Sotk-Karvachar road, the movement of the car is gradually slowing down, and at the nearest stop we already have our combat positions, the new combat positions.

In my hand is the war photo of the division commander, Lt Col Arsen Hakobyan. It was taken in battle positions, on the hottest days, at a moment of a relative break in the battle. The eyes are red from sleeplessness and fatigue. There is a winner’s smile on the face that is covered by dust, but calm and confident…

We are in the southern border zone, in the unit under Col G. Poghosyan, whose personnel is on combat duty in a responsible, complex position. We are going to the positions in a the military “Vilis”.

Manvel Karapetyan had a special respect for military since his school years. There was a military unit nearby. Be strong, for the weak have no friends in the world. Show two things to prove your strength. The first is that you know how to die consciously, with a meaningful death, the second is that you know how to kill.

Recently, a touching video on the Internet caught my attention. The soldier returned home from the battlefield 54 days after the start of the war. He hugs his mother.