#43 (1061) 6.11.2014 – 12.11.2014

Since November 17, our army will move to the new winter uniform. It has definitely changed, became warmer and more comfortable.
This uniform, designed for a soldier, from time to time is subject to both external and qualitative changes, based only on the interests of the soldier. The uniform must not only comply with the weather conditions, but also should be more durable, comfortable, not to hinder the movements of the soldier. I.e. on the uniform nothing is done by chance.

From the point of view of protection of human rights in the armed forces there is number of problems, which are caused by the specifics of military service. It is primarily on the legal regulation between servicemen. On the other hand it is necessary to ascertain the low level of legal awareness among the military and the lack of legal knowledge. A desire to restore this level will make the military more secure.

Today great importance is given to military and combat knowledge.
Patriotic-youth centre “Gevorgyan school of martial arts” (fonder – liberation soldier Gevorg Gevorgyan) is from those structures, which activity is directed to military, combat and patriotic education. Recently this center conducted a 4-day course on “Military-fighting skills” in Tsakhkadzor, which was attended by about 30 young people. The program was implemented with assistance of Sports and youth affairs ministry.

Recently emir of Sheikhan, leader of the world Yezidis Mir Tahsin Beg in an interview with Arabic television channel “Al Arabiya”, stated publicly that the Yezidi it is both – a religion, and a nation. He particularly said: “Iraq is our state, but we, Yezidis can’t return there any more and live in our native land, if, under the auspices of the United Nations, a special area for the Yezidis, Christians, Shabaks and other minorities will not be created.

Towards the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, Armenian writer from Istanbul, journalist, publicist Etienne Mahchupyan was appointed chief adviser to the Prime Minister of Turkey. It seems he is the only not Muslim in the Turkish government. Davutoghlu, commenting this appointment, said, that ethnicity of the chief adviser has no relation to his appointment.
What is the purpose of this political move on the eve of the 100th anniversary of the Genocide? What impact it will have on the Armenian-Turkish relations?