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THE NAME OF THE WINNER...I know him only from photos and books, but I walk with him every day. I walk and I get strength…

One day, as Monte was passing by one of Martuni’s houses, he saw an elderly woman cultivating a plot of land. He enters and asks the woman if it is the right time to cultivate the land in a hot war situation. The woman says that she is not afraid, she is calm, because Avo is defending the borders of Martuni, so no enemy will cross the border.

Monte, hearing how old the old woman was talking about him, asked the woman what kind of person that Avo was. The woman begins to describe Avo’s majesty and chivalrous image, power and patriotism. Monte listens, laughs heartily and confesses that Avo is himself. The old woman looks at Monte in bewilderment and says:

– No, you are small, you are not Avo, Avo is three-metres tall.

The legendary hero had a different look in the woman’s imagination, because she had never seen him.

On November 6, 1992, Chartar’s positions were attacked. There were 12 fighters of Chartar separate detachment in 615 battle position of Uryan mountain. They were from “Arayik” detachment. The enemy had thrown 3 tanks, 1 armoured vehicle in the direction of that position.

The sky was trembling from the ashes. The soaring of the pigeons did not end in the eyes of the warriors. They were constantly accompanied by a realization that to win at any cost, the land is ours and it must be ours. This time too the enemy suffered a shameful defeat. Minutes later, the detachments noticed that two of their friends were under the ground and only their fingertips were seen. And at that moment everything was mixed up, although the enemy was already destroyed, but an internal enemy was playing with the lives of two fighters. I do not believe that miracles happen. This time the miracle was inevitable. Both were pulled out of the ground, they were alive.

The land sang victory again …

Immediately after the battle, Monte came to the battlefield, ran from tank to tank, overjoyed and said:

– What did you do, you made the mother of the Azeris cry?

Then special awards were brought to the boys from France and awarded to the twelve heroes who had stopped the enemy tanks with anti-tank grenades and MON-200 anti-personnel mines.

They were invincible, like their commander, they kept the name of the victorious Artsakh in their souls. They would give their heart for Artsakh. And they gave …

Monte never dreamed of victory, because victory was in his blood.

His blood was so victorious …

Monte has walked on this land, and his traces are still kept sacred.

Monte will come again with the victory …



Category: #47 (1367) 25.11.2020 - 1.12.2020, Spiritual-Cultural, Destinies
