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THE HERO LIVING IN THE HEART OF THE PEOPLE. ARMENAK URFANYANArmenak Urfanyan is one of our brave fighters of the Four-Day War, whose exceptional heroism created a heroic image of a selfless and self-sacrificing officer in the society, became an example and symbol of unwavering will and dedication. The commander, who, with his brave, courageous soldiers, repulsed the large-scale attacks of the enemy, caused significant material and human losses to the enemy, and maintained his military position at the cost of his life, was already living in the hearts of his compatriots.

And this year, on August 29, Captain Armenak Urfanyan was awarded posthumously the highest title of Artsakh Hero and Golden Eagle medal by the decree of the Artsakh Republic President for exceptional services to the Motherland. The President of the Republic presented the award to the hero’s mother, Hamest Nersisyan.


“Two weeks ago my phone rang,” says Mrs. Hamest. “I saw that it was an Artsakh phone number, and my heart sank.” Every time I get a call from Artsakh, it seems to me that it is Armenak…

“Hello, are we talking to Mrs. Hamest?” The caller introduced himself as the Chief of Staff of the Artsakh President. “We wanted to be sure that we called the right number.” Mr. President wants to talk to you.

The conversation was short. On that day, the President of the Artsakh Republic Arayik Harutyunyan only told Mrs. Hamest that he wanted to invite her to Artsakh. “I’d love to,” she replied without asking questions. “Well, then, I will send a car.”

Of course, the surprise they wanted to give to the hero’s mother was revealed … The highest award was presented to the Hero’s mother in a solemn ceremony at the residence of the President of the Republic of Artsakh. Everything was organized at a very high level.

“I am very grateful to all the organizers, to the President, for the cordial reception.”

“What were those few days like for you?” I asked Mrs. Hamest.

“Everyone in Artsakh, starting from a three-year-old child, knows Armen by name. When talking about him, they say ‘My Armenak’, ‘Our Armen’. The people have been carrying him as a hero in their hearts for a long time. Of course, it is good that my son was appreciated at the state level, but for me this is not a matter of pride. Nothing can confort a mother who has lost a son. It is just a joy that my son received the award for his heroism.”

On the last day of her stay in Artsakh, Mrs. Hamest visited the military unit where her son served, was in a military position where she did not dare to set foot for a long time, had the opportunity to see the extensive work done at the military base, to make sure that the boys are in relatively good condition today serves.

“I had a feeling that I was going to meet my son, I was met by a whole line of troops in the military unit. The boys organized an impressive event. I felt from their attitude towards me how much respect and reverence for my son they had. I encouraged them and said words of encouragement and gratitude. I walked around the military unit. They looked at the pictures of our four heroes from every angle. A fountain, corners of glory and khachkars have been erected in their honor. Wherever you walk, they are their breath. I have been in many combat positions. I saw big changes and I am very happy for that. The most serious problem during Armenak was water in these positions. I was struggling for a long time after April, I asked the benefactors to take a water line to the positions. The solution was costly. And that day when I saw the spring placed right in the middle of our boys’ position, the abundant water of the showers placed in the position, I was so happy …

THE HERO LIVING IN THE HEART OF THE PEOPLE. ARMENAK URFANYANFirst of all, the issue of the water line has been resolved. Large-scale fortification works have already been carried out in the positions, and new works are still being carried out.

They showed me and explained in detail the role of video surveillance devices, which now provide all the positions. Our people are watching the line of contact with the enemy at all times with full width and depth. Even the flight of locusts through the grass is easy. There are night vision devices in all positions, night monitoring is also carried out. I am very grateful to the Commander of the Defense Army for all this. The support of our Prime Minister was also great. Everything has been done at a high level and is still going on. I was at the place where Armenak died. Everything is very well repaired. I’m just fascinated. The possibility of sabotage has been minimized today, and the enemy knows that they are aware of his every move here.

I am very happy to see all the reforms, something that was not in place back then, and that’s did not protect my son in 2016. I am satisfied with our government and command. Their care, their work, the steps taken to make the service of our servicemen safe and comfortable, the defense line invincible, is obvious, ideal. The positions held by my son seemed to be my home. I am calm that Armenak’s fellow soldiers are provided with everything, they serve safely, and this is my biggest consolation.


THE HERO LIVING IN THE HEART OF THE PEOPLE. ARMENAK URFANYAN… For a short moment I was in the very place where my son had fought and died… How can I express in words what I felt… I understood, I felt deeply that he had no right to retreat… I always felt, I always knew, that no matter what, he would never back down from his words and knowledge. It is not for nothing that one of the first attacks was in that direction. What they kept was a stronghold. If the enemy was allowed to open ‘that door’, the consequences would have been terrible…

And I felt that if I was standing next to my son at that moment, I would say: ‘Son, you have no right to retreat.’ I am deeply sorry for these words, but I would still say…”



Photos by Vova Arzumanyan

Margarita Petrosyan

Category: #35 (1355) 2.09.2020 - 8.09.2020, Destinies, Spotlight
