Military units constantly recruit men with rich knowledge, high moral-psychological features and good physical abilities, who consciously devote themselves to the service, who don’t become tired of long exercises, are not fully satisfied with their accomplishments and keep their high level of fighting capacity by continually improving their skills. This refers to the military unit under the command of Colonel V. Grigoryan. According to the results of 2011, the battalion of Lieutenant-Colonel V. Vardanyan has been recognized the best in the military unit and has conquered the challenge banner, and we have witnessed the exercises of its certain subdivisions. In different parts of the training ground and marching square professional trainings were organized: parachute-flight trainings, physical readiness and improvement of combat skills…
Captain K. Khachatryan explained the activities being worked out – searching, ambush, neutralization of the adversary sentry, imprisonment, collective retreat after the task implementation. The soldiers carry out all the tasks very well, but they are constantly getting trained and improve their techniques.